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ISMS -Integrated School Management System
ISMS (Integrated School Management System) is a web based ERP for educational institutions, designed to automate all management, financial and operational aspects of an institute. It is termed as Integrated School Management System because it brings together many different functions in one system and consistently provides all data in an integrated database.

Integrated School Management System
ISMS - Integrated School Management System
ISMS not only reduces the manual work and administration hassle but also helps manage the routine activities of the institute, conveniently, efficiently and effectively.

Integrated School Management System
Education system constitutes the spine of every nation. The success of this system not only depends upon the competence and efforts of the academic staff or their professional expertise but also on proper knowledge dissemination process blended with smooth and efficient functioning of management system.
The need to handle, manage, store and retrieve information in schools and other educational institutions has substantially increased over time, with new tasks and technical skills required to do them. Gone are the days when information was kept in files, which were required to be searched up and down, to obtain particular information. Today management, staff and teachers all need immediate access to up to date student and financial information. Without a solid internal infrastructure for teachers, administrators and staff to share data, critical school and student information can be lost or worse communicated incorrectly leading to a host of problems that can affect a school's image and endurance. To remain competitive, school needs a simple solution that can run individual functions, connect their entire operation, use the web as a key communication tool and simplify day-to-day operational responsibilities, giving educators more time with students.
ISMS- Integrated School Management System is an effective solution to these challenges. It automates and streamlines a school’s diverse operations. It is an easy to use yet powerful one point integrated platform that assimilate all the departments and functions of an institution namely office administration: - time table – examination - student information -attendance – reports generation - result generation, fee counter, library, pay roll, accounts, etc., into one system. The system helps educators to manage, analyze and report extensive data, while saving time by eliminating repeated data entry. The application also provides web based interaction facility to parents, teachers, and students.
The key to success of the school management system is the central data storage structure which helps the administrative staff to access student data in each and every module, hence data entry is done once and it is used/shared at all places. As a result, data redundancy is removed and 100 % correct data is available to the administrative staff at any point of time. The school management system automates most of day to day task and hence increases the productivity and performance of the administrative staff, which leads to better valued image of the school before the parents and society.
ISMS is a web-based solution with an open system architecture. It has been specifically designed considering the challenges schools come across, such as low cost of ownership, mediocre IT infrastructure, skill set level requirements, resource optimization, parent-student-teacher community interaction, security, and stability. Emphasis has been given on easy-to-use interfaces. The menu-driven screens have detailed explanations and offer several options. The users need not be programmers or database experts to benefit from this system.
Being a web-based solution, ISMS can be accessed from anywhere around the world. As a result, the Students, Teachers, Parents & Management are able to keep track of their activities and be in touch with each other at all times. It is supported by a rich MIS encompassing all aspects of organizational functions enabling decision makers to make quick and informed decisions.
ISMS Modules and Options

ISMS for Parents

- Availability of latest updates on Educational events and holidays through School News.
- Sharing of knowledge, views and information with other parents and school.
- Tracking of homework assigned to children by teacher.
- Swift and easy interaction with teachers and school management.
- Reliable and up to date information on children attendance, academic progress and fee payment.
- Regular and prompt availability of Educational updates through articles, discussion forums, image gallery and messaging system.

- Comprehensive single point school management software with all possible modules clubbed.
- Multiple campus management.
- Ability to connect and stay in touch with parents and other stakeholders effectively, efficiently and effortlessly.
- Facility to build and manage community of parents, teachers and students.
- Centrally stores accurate and reliable information with zero redundancy.
- Best possible resource optimization.
- Complete automation of all functions of the school.
- Auto-generation and regeneration of timetable with dynamic substitute management and at minimallabour and headache.

- Real time exposure for better learning.
- Liberty to publish article and views and participate in discussion forums.
- Ongoing and efficient interaction with other students, teachers and parents.
- Access to library.
- Online access to view current events and holidays at school.
- Online submission of homework.
- Access to attendance marks, grades and examination schedule.

- Complete attendance automation.
- Automated management of marks and grades.
- Facility to publish articles for others.
- Efficient effective and convenient interaction with parents.
- Internal messaging system
- Access to students and parents forums.
- Facility to view own and student’s attendance.
- Viewing of timetable in advance.
- Homework assignment to students and approval.
- Better organization of Educational activities.
Pricing Model
ISMS as One-time Onsite Solution
• Product Cost US$ 2,500/=
• Implementation Charges: Around 60-90% of product cost,
depending upon client requirements.
• Software Update and Support: 15% of total cost/annum.
Total Cost=(Product Cost + Implementation Cost)
ISMS as Hosting Service
(In hosting service settings, customers are freed from the hassle of IT infrastructure procurement and management. They will not have to buy the software, database, servers and other costly IT/Support equipment)
• US$ 01/Student/Month (Minimum 500 Students)
• Set-up and Customization Fee
- Initial Set-up Fee: FREE OF CHARGE
- Customization up to 15 man-days: FREE OF CHARGE
- Additional customization: US$ 75/Consultant/Day
Note: - Consultants out-of-pocket expenses outside Pakistan will be on the buyer's account.
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